How to Do a Tour to Croatia

A Great Dalmatian Destination

small group tour to CroatiaThe Traveling Professor has run several small group tours to Croatia and we have two more trips coming up in 2019 and even have interest in small group tours to Croatia in 2020.  In Croatia, the people are friendly, the food is good, the scenery is gorgeous, the weather is just fine.  See why The Traveling Professor likes Croatia and why you may like it too.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (483)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: Croatia

What is an Open Jaw Ticket and How to Book It

Fly Better, Smarter, and Cheaper to Multiple Cities

how to book an open jaw flightOn The Traveling Professor's small group tours, we sometimes start a trip in one city like Venice, and depart from another city like Paris.  A lot of travelers are confused on how to book their airline ticket since they are used to only booking a R/T fare between the same cities. In this blog post, we will explain exactly what an open jaw ticket is, the advantages of booking an open jaw plane ticket, and how to book an open jaw ticket.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (849)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.6
Categories: Travel Tips

Tips for Flying Smart in the Winter

Don't Get Stranded This Winter Flying Season

sleep in airportBad weather, especially in the winter, is a primary cause of flights being cancelled or delayed.  This weekend we saw a good percentage of flights get cancelled due to snow and cold weather. If you flight is cancelled or delayed, don't count on the airlines to help out. They might provide some food vouchers or they might provide a hotel, but don't count on it.  However, there are some steps you can take to minimize the chance you will be on a cancelled flight and there are steps to be taken in case a flight is cancelled or delayed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (658)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Travel Tips

3 GREAT Things to Know When Booking International Airfare

Be Smart and Know These Essential Tips When Booking International Airfare

Tips for Booking International AirfaresThere is little rhyme or reason on why airlines price airfares the way they do.  I'm not sure if anyone can figure it out. However, there are some things that can be counted on. In this blog post, The Traveling Professor goes over some very basic pointers to take into consideration when purchasing international airfares.  These tips will help the traveler save time, save money and relieve some of the confusing issues surrounding the purchase of international airfares.

Thursday, January 10, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (888)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: Save on Airfare

4 Favorite Small Towns in Europe

Off the Beaten Path, But Worth Visiting

small group tours to NorwayOf course we do small group tours to places like Paris, Rome, Dublin and Oslo. Those are big, bustling cities with mass transit systems, big hotels, lots of museums and restaurants. However, on The Traveling Professor's travels, we have found places that are tiny, off the beaten path places, that we just love to visit. Check out our favorite small towns in Italy, Iceland, Norway, that you have not heard of, but would like to.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (589)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5

Protect Your Valuables While Traveling

Stylish and Functional Travel Purse

Travel Product of the MonthEvery now and then we get the opportunity to review a product that we think will be of good use to our travelers.  A few months ago we were sent the 130 Degrees® Anti-Theft Purse and Linda used while we were on a small group tour to Paris. Take a look at the review and we think this might be a good product for your consideration.

Sunday, January 6, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (502)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0

5 Favorite Small Cities in Europe

With Hotel and Dining Recommendations

Best Small Cities EuropeOne of the advantages of running small group tours to Europe, is that we get to visit a variety of different places.  Sometimes we do it with our small group tours, sometimes we visit these small cities when doing research for a tour. In today's blog post The Traveling Professor tells you about his favorite small cities in Europe, one each in France, Italy, and Norway and two in Austria.

Saturday, January 5, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (605)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0

3 Luxury Places to Stay in Florence, Italy

Everyone Loves a Bit of Comfort. Find It At These Hotels

Tours to FlorenceMy co-author for my upcoming book, "The Traveling Professor's Guide to Florence" loves luxury and Melanie Wilson has come up with some excellent choices for travelers to pamper themselves on their next tour to Florence.  The nice thing about luxury hotels in Florence is that they have an uncanny ability to mix the old and the new.  Check out this selection of luxury hotels in Florence, Italy.

Thursday, January 3, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (403)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Italy

5 Worst Mistakes an International Traveler Can Make

Read and Avoid Disaster on the Road

Travel MistakesWith well over a million and a half miles of international air travel under his belt and over 20 years on the road, The Traveling Professor has learned a thing or two about travel and how to travel smart. There are a few things every international travel should do, but there a few critical mistakes an international traveler should avoid. All of the travel mistakes The Professor points out are easy to avoid too and The Professor tells you how. Check out today's international blog post to see the 5 worst mistakes an international traveler can make.  We welcome your comments too.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1311)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.9
Categories: Travel Tips
«December 2018»

Tired of Looking for Someone to Travel With?

tired of looking for a travel partnerWhen I reflect upon how The Traveling Professor concept started, it goes back to the early 2000's.  Back then, I used to travel alone to Paris. Frankly, I enjoyed the freedom during the day of doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.  But when it came to dinner time, I yearned to socialize with other adults like me. After my book, The Traveling Professor's Guide to Paris was published, and my travel story was publicized in places like The Wall Street Journal and Newsday, travelers who did not have a travel partner wanted to travel with me and my small group tours of active adults.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Read more in today's blog post.

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Is Rome in Ruins?

Garbage in RomeBack in February 2015, I put up a blog post called, The Rome Problem.  In it, The Traveling Professor talked about some of the problems of visiting Rome in terms of crime, harassment, trash, and public transportation.  It seems that The New York Times has noticed too. They recently published an article called "Rome in Ruins", outlining many of the same problems The Traveling Professor pointed out 4 years ago.  The problems are not limited to cities like Rome.  Paris, for instance, has many of the same problems.  However, travelers should be made aware of what they can expect the next time they visit Rome.  Check out my blog post.

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5 Worst Mistakes an International Traveler Can Make

Travel MistakesWith well over a million and a half miles of international air travel under his belt and over 20 years on the road, The Traveling Professor has learned a thing or two about travel and how to travel smart. There are a few things every international travel should do, but there a few critical mistakes an international traveler should avoid. All of the travel mistakes The Professor points out are easy to avoid too and The Professor tells you how. Check out today's international blog post to see the 5 worst mistakes an international traveler can make.  We welcome your comments too.

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3 Luxury Places to Stay in Florence, Italy

Tours to FlorenceMy co-author for my upcoming book, "The Traveling Professor's Guide to Florence" loves luxury and Melanie Wilson has come up with some excellent choices for travelers to pamper themselves on their next tour to Florence.  The nice thing about luxury hotels in Florence is that they have an uncanny ability to mix the old and the new.  Check out this selection of luxury hotels in Florence, Italy.

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5 Favorite Small Cities in Europe

Best Small Cities EuropeOne of the advantages of running small group tours to Europe, is that we get to visit a variety of different places.  Sometimes we do it with our small group tours, sometimes we visit these small cities when doing research for a tour. In today's blog post The Traveling Professor tells you about his favorite small cities in Europe, one each in France, Italy, and Norway and two in Austria.

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Protect Your Valuables While Traveling

Travel Product of the MonthEvery now and then we get the opportunity to review a product that we think will be of good use to our travelers.  A few months ago we were sent the 130 Degrees® Anti-Theft Purse and Linda used while we were on a small group tour to Paris. Take a look at the review and we think this might be a good product for your consideration.

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