Travel Insurance and the Corona Virus

Will the Cost of Your Trip be Protected?

what to do about travel and Corona virusFirst and foremost, the Corona Virus is a human tragedy.  The primary concern is the threat to human health and life. Many people have booked trips or are in the process of booking trips to countries that have been affected by the Corona Virus.  Places like South America, Iceland, Norway as of today, seem practically unaffected. Other countries like China of course, as well as Italy seem to have an increasing amount of cases. What should the traveler know about protecting the cost of their trip.  Look at The Professor's travel blog post today to find out more.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (618)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.8
Categories: Travel Tips

What You Need to Know About Buying Travel Insurance

Do You Need It? What Do You Get? Where Do You Get It?

how to get free travel insuranceOn almost every small group tour The Traveling Professor runs, there seems to be at least one traveler who is delayed or worse yet, needs to cancel a trip. Sometimes The Professor can recoup some of the costs for a trip but not always. Trip insurance can protect a traveler.  So the questions are, do you really need travel insurance? What kind of insurance do you need? Where can you get it?  Check out today's blog post to find out more.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (383)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.0
Categories: Travel Tips

The 5 Smartest Travel Moves You Can Make

Travel Smart on Your Next Overseas Trip

best travel moves you can makeNot only does The Traveling Professor make multiple trips to Europe and South America each year, The Professor has taken well over a thousand people on his small group tours to various places like Paris, Austria, Croatia, Germany, Norway, Iceland, Ireland and Scotland. With over 12 years of professional travel planning under his belt, The Professor has learned to do it right. In today's blog post are 5 of the smartest things he has done and recommends that each traveler should follow.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (633)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.3
Categories: Travel Tips

The Best Deal in Travel Insurance is Here

Great Coverage and It Won't Cost a Thing

How to Get Free Travel InsuranceTravelers might ask, "Why do I even need travel insurance?".  Well, the chances are, you probably won't.  But when you do, you will be very glad you have it.  The Traveling Professor has taken over a thousand travelers on his small group tours to Europe and South America.  In the vast majority of cases, there are no delays, cancellations, lost luggage, lost passports, or medical emergencies.  But we have had the occasion on our small group tours where people are delayed by weather, they get ill and need to cancel a trip, they lose a passport, luggage gets lost or delayed.  Why not have travel insurance for these situations, and on top of it, why not get it for free?  Today's blog post discusses the best deal a traveler can get in travel insurance.

Monday, March 11, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (717)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.6
Categories: Travel Tips

5 Worst Mistakes an International Traveler Can Make

Read and Avoid Disaster on the Road

Travel MistakesWith well over a million and a half miles of international air travel under his belt and over 20 years on the road, The Traveling Professor has learned a thing or two about travel and how to travel smart. There are a few things every international travel should do, but there a few critical mistakes an international traveler should avoid. All of the travel mistakes The Professor points out are easy to avoid too and The Professor tells you how. Check out today's international blog post to see the 5 worst mistakes an international traveler can make.  We welcome your comments too.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1311)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.9
Categories: Travel Tips

How to Get Free Travel Insurance

Save Money and Get Insured

how to get free travel insuranceTravel insurance can be expensive.  I just ran a quote on $5,000 worth of travel insurance that included reimbursement for trip cancellation, trip interruption, emergency medical care, and medical transportation and a bunch of other options for an international trip.  The premium was $359.  That's more than 10% of the cost of a typical Traveling Professor small group tour.  In today's blog post, I will show you how to get free travel insurance.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1004)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Travel Tips

Travel Insurance Tips

Some Myths Busted and Some Tips Revealed

The Traveling Professor has covered travel insurance in previous blog posts.   It is one of my most widely read posts and I have been asked to write on travel insurance for other websites too.   Travel insurance is one of those topics that I continue to learn about and in this blog post, I explain some tips and uncover some myths about travel insurance.

Sunday, August 9, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2063)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.0
Categories: General Travel

Travel Insurance and What You Need to Know

Travel Insurance for the International Traveler

travel insurance the traveling professorOn my tours to Paris, Italy, Spain and Peru, travelers often ask me what type of travel insurance, if any, to purchase.   There are several travel insurance products out there.   The descriptions can be lengthy and confusing.   So for your next tour whether it be to Paris, Italy, Spain or even Peru and Machu Picchu, I have put together some concise information on what kind of international travel insurance a travel might want to consider purchasing for their next tour.

Saturday, July 12, 2014/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2581)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.8
Categories: General Travel

Medical Insurance Coverage When Traveling Abroad

Let's hear your comments too!

traveling professor medical insuranceLuckily, in the years I have been taking small group tours to Italy, Spain, Peru, and Paris, we have not had a serious illness or injury. However, I get questions from travelers all the time regarding the purchase of medical insurance for their travels.   The first step is to see what kind of travel insurance your personal insurance company covers, then decide if you need medical coverage for a trip to Europe or South America.   Read my blog post for more details on medical coverage when traveling abroad.

Thursday, August 8, 2013/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2014)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.4
Categories: General Travel