How to Find the Best Restaurants When Traveling

How Do You Find Those Authentic Places Everyone Wants to Go To?

how to find the best places to eatOne of the great pleasures of going to Italy is trying the great food.  There are all types of restaurants owned by families and people who are passionate about what they serve.  After all, you certainly did not go to Italy to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. Through The Traveling Professor's many years of traveling through Italy, he has found some great restaurants and those restaurants have come to him through many different sources. Check out his blog post to find out how to find the best restaurants in Italy.

Friday, March 8, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (472)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: General Travel

Where to Stay When Touring the Amalfi Coast

Two Solid Choices in Sorrento

Best Hotels in SorrentoThe Amalfi Coast is one of the most spectacular places to visit.  The food is out of this world, the natural beauty is dramatic, and the people watching is great. We have been to the Amalfi Coast and Sorrento on many Traveling Professor small group tours to Italy on multiple occasions and enjoy it each and every time.  In this blog post, The Traveling Professor will tell you about two very special hotels you want to consider on your next tour to the Amalfi Coast.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (433)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.5
Categories: Italy

2 Ridiculously Good Places for Lunch in Paris

Elegant Settings, Great Food, Reasonable Prices

best lunch places in ParisAfter over 75 visits to Paris and taking hundreds of travelers on The Traveling Professor's small group tours to Paris, we have uncovered many good places for lunch.  But there are two places that stand out in The Traveling Professor's mind as being the best places to have lunch in Paris.  They are both in elegant settings, the food is outstanding, the service is very good and to top it off, the prices are reasonable. Check out The Traveling Professor's blog post on the best places to have lunch in Paris.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (808)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.7
Categories: Paris

5 Tips for Traveling on European Trains

Travel in Style and Comfort on European Trains

tips for European train travelEveryone has heard how good European trains are.  Probably everything you have heard is true.  They are fast, they are comfortable, they run on a regular basis. Whenever possible, The Traveling Professor takes his small group tours by train when going from city to city, and you should too. In this blog post, The Professor gives some of his best tips on how to take advantage of European trains to get the best train, ride in comfort, and get to where you need to go economically.

Monday, March 4, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (752)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: Travel Tips

5 Tips for Solo Travelers

Traveling "Solo" Can be Fun and Enjoyable

small group toursOn our Traveling Professor small group tours, usually about half of those on are tours are "solo" travelers.  That means they joining our group without knowing anyone else on the tour, or they may be meeting someone they know on the tour. Whether traveling on your own or traveling by yourself with a small group tour like the ones run by The Traveling Professor, there are a few tips solo travelers should follow.  Take a look at today's blog post.

Sunday, March 3, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (597)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.5
Categories: Travel Tips

4 Things to do in Oslo Norway

Oslo is Full of Art, Culture, and History

Small Group Tours to NorwayThe Traveling Professor small group tours to Copenhagen, Norway and Iceland is one of our most popular small group tours. Personally, The Professor loves Norway, and especially Oslo, as a destination. In the last few years, prices have moderated in Norway putting it on par price-wise, with most other European cities. There is so much to see and do in Oslo that it would take several blog posts to describe. In today's blog post, The Professor will tell you about just a few of his favorite things to do when on a small group tour to Norway.

Friday, March 1, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (345)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0

4 Small Cities in Italy You Must See

Get Away from the Big Crowds and Enjoy Italy

small group tours to ItalyLet's face it, cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice are just way overcrowded.  For instance, the line to get in the Vatican Museum can be OVER A MILE LONG.  Big crowds prevent you from seeing David or the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.  St. Mark's Square in Venice is awash with people, sometimes so many you might think you're in Disney World during spring break. But there are authentic and small Italian towns to visit, just about any time of the year.  Check them out in my Italy blog post.

Sunday, February 24, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (444)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.0
Categories: Italy

Bargain Iceland Tour

An Exclusive High End Iceland Tour at a Bargain Price

small group tours to IcelandThe Traveling Professor has been running his exclusive small group tour to Iceland for several years now.  Iceland has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty.  There are volcanoes, geysers, glaciers, black sand beaches and breathtaking waterfalls. There is the unique geothermal bathing experience at the Blue Lagoon. However, Iceland can be expensive.  It has been ranked as the second most expensive city in Europe. The Traveling Professor is introducing an exclusive bargain Iceland small group tour.  But don't the the words "Bargain Iceland" scare you away. Everything about this tour is top-notch in terms of lodging, private guided tours, and a premium Blue Lagoon experience.  See the blog post for more.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (666)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.6

3 Good Hotels in Venice

Location, Quality, and Service are All Important

small group tour to veniceEveryone loves Venice.  In fact, we will be in Venice this September on a Traveling Professor small group tour to Venice.  Hotel selection is important in Venice.  It needs to be well located.  It has to be comfortable.  Good service is always a factor when The Traveling Professor books a hotel for his small group tours in Venice. The Traveling Professor has 3 good hotels in Venice for your selection. Join The Traveling Professor on a small group tour to Venice or choose from those provided in today's blog post.

Friday, February 15, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (425)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 2.7
Categories: Italy

How to Save LOTS of Money with Throw Away Ticketing

However, Caution is Urged of the Consequences

hidden city airline ticketsEveryone is always looking for ways to save money on airline tickets.  If you look at The Traveling Professor's blog posts on how to save money on airline tickets, travelers can implement easy methods to save significant amounts of money on airline tickets.  There is one way to save on airline tickets, but it is a controversial one, and not without risks.  You may have seen the recent article "Lufthansa Airlines Sues Customer Who Skipped Part of His Return Flight".   This customer used a "throw away" or "hidden city" ticket on the return and did save a substantial amount of money.  Let's talk about throw away tickets, the advantages, disadvantages, and possible penalties of using this travel strategy.

Thursday, February 14, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (524)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Save on Airfare
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