How to Save LOTS of Money with Throw Away Ticketing

However, Caution is Urged of the Consequences

hidden city airline ticketsEveryone is always looking for ways to save money on airline tickets.  If you look at The Traveling Professor's blog posts on how to save money on airline tickets, travelers can implement easy methods to save significant amounts of money on airline tickets.  There is one way to save on airline tickets, but it is a controversial one, and not without risks.  You may have seen the recent article "Lufthansa Airlines Sues Customer Who Skipped Part of His Return Flight".   This customer used a "throw away" or "hidden city" ticket on the return and did save a substantial amount of money.  Let's talk about throw away tickets, the advantages, disadvantages, and possible penalties of using this travel strategy.

Thursday, February 14, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (519)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Save on Airfare