Who Traveled With Us in 2019

How Many People? How Many Men, Women, Couples?

who travels with The Traveling ProfessorThe Traveling Professor ran small group tours to Iceland, Peru and Machu Picchu, Scotland, Croatia, Italy, Normandy Invasion Beaches, and Canada in 2019.  We had a wonderful year, making new friends and traveling to great places.  But who goes on Traveling Professor tours?  In this blog post, we will tell you the number of people and what the make-up of our small group tours looks like.
Friday, January 3, 2020/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (561)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.0
Categories: General Travel

5 Tips for Solo Travelers

Traveling "Solo" Can be Fun and Enjoyable

small group toursOn our Traveling Professor small group tours, usually about half of those on are tours are "solo" travelers.  That means they joining our group without knowing anyone else on the tour, or they may be meeting someone they know on the tour. Whether traveling on your own or traveling by yourself with a small group tour like the ones run by The Traveling Professor, there are a few tips solo travelers should follow.  Take a look at today's blog post.

Sunday, March 3, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (584)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.5
Categories: Travel Tips

Tired of Looking for Someone to Travel With?

Why Traveling Professor Tours May be the Solution

tired of looking for a travel partnerWhen I reflect upon how The Traveling Professor concept started, it goes back to the early 2000's.  Back then, I used to travel alone to Paris. Frankly, I enjoyed the freedom during the day of doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.  But when it came to dinner time, I yearned to socialize with other adults like me. After my book, The Traveling Professor's Guide to Paris was published, and my travel story was publicized in places like The Wall Street Journal and Newsday, travelers who did not have a travel partner wanted to travel with me and my small group tours of active adults.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Read more in today's blog post.

Monday, December 24, 2018/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (755)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.3

Running a Small Group Tour as a Fundraising Activity

Raise Money and Build Loyalty

tours as fundraisersFor any type of charitable or civic organization, raising funds is an essential part of keeping the organization going and to meet its goals and objectives.   Anyone who has ever been involved in fund raising knows it can be a time-consuming and difficult task.  The Traveling Professor has helped organizations raise funds AND develop loyal members who donate year after year after year.  Read my blog post and I will tell you more of the benefits of running a tour as a fund raiser.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1174)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: General Travel

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Others Are Now Trying To Do What The Professor Has Been Doing For Years

Professor Steve SoloskyIt seems that everyone wants to be like The Traveling Professor.   I introduced my concise book, "The Traveling Professor's Guide to Paris" in 2009, now I see people like Rick Steve's doing "pocket" editions of his books.    I started with a "small group tour" concept and now I see other tour companies like Intrepid and Overseas Adventure Tours trying to do the same thing by offering small group tours.   However, I think I still offer something these big, impersonal tour operators can't do and I write books that are not for everyone, but they are probably for you.
Monday, July 29, 2013/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (3340)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: General Travel