Shockingly Low Air Fares to Europe

Bargain Fares Even for Luxury Flights

cheap airfares to europeEveryone is always looking for inexpensive flights to Europe. I can remember flying R/T between New York and Paris in 2000 for $351 and I thought that was a bargain.  Can you get to Europe even cheaper now?  You sure can.  By using some easy strategy, it is easy to get to Europe on legacy airlines like American, Delta, and British airlines. Check out today's blog post and see The Traveling Professor's tips on bargain airfares to Europe both in economy and luxury class. 

Sunday, July 7, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (628)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.0
Categories: Save on Airfare

4 Ways to Save on Airfare that Make No Sense

Airfare Pricing is Crazy, So there are Some Crazy Solutions

crazy ways to find low airfaresNo one can figure out how airlines price fares. There are a lot of theories like always fly on a Tuesday or Saturday, buy airfares on a Tuesday, and many other ideas.  The Traveling Professor prices out airfares for hundreds of travelers each year, and although it is difficult to find any consistency to how airfares are prices, check out some of the techniques The Professor uses to find the best fares.

Thursday, May 30, 2019/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (613)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.0
Categories: Save on Airfare
Tags: Airfares

3 Tips for Flying to Europe

Get Great Airfares and Roomy Seats

how to get best air itineraryI am constantly on the lookout to get a good air itinerary.  Getting a good air itinerary doesn't always mean getting the best price, it means getting a flight that gets you there without cumbersome layovers and most comfortably.  I'll be flying to Europe from the United States quite a bit in 2018 (I've already done 5 trips already this year) and I have some strategies for getting good flights at good prices. Read my blog post and learn how to fly inexpensively and in style!

Saturday, April 21, 2018/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (808)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.8
Categories: Save on Airfare
Tags: Airfares

Flight Deals Keep Coming

Now is the Time to Make Travel Plans

great airfaresIn the early 2000's I was regularly getting coach airfares to Europe for under $600.  By 2008 or so it was still possible to fly during peak season into Europe for under $1,000.  In the last 3 or 5 years we have seen international airfares skyrocket.  Lately, it has been hard to find airfares, even in the "off" season for under $1,000.  But 2016 has brought in a new wave of discount carriers.  We are finding great airfares from all parts of North America.  In this blog post I will tell you about some of them and how to find them.

Thursday, June 30, 2016/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1457)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Save on Airfare

Top Travel Blog Posts of 2015

From Paris Hotels, to Airfare Deals, Italy, and Paris Picnics

new year in parisBy the end of the year, The Traveling Professor will have made 118 blog posts on topics ranging from airfares, hotels, trip advice, insurance, itineraries and a bunch of other stuff.  In my last blog post of 2015 I am going to post links to my top blog posts of the year. These posts are loaded with time and money saving trip ideas.   Best wishes for a Happy New Year from The Traveling Professor.

Thursday, December 31, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1548)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: General Travel

Travel Less Expensively Without Sacrificing Luxury or Comfort

Don't Travel Cheap, Travel Smart and Save Money

cheap travel tipsI read a lot on traveling "cheap".  If you are like me, you are NOT going to:

  • Sleep in a hostel or a stranger's couch.
  • Ride in a bumpy bus over 11 hours through rough terrain to save $10.
  • Be herded into a cheap, budget, no-frills airline.
  • Wait in line for 4 hours to get into a museum for free.

These are the kinds of "tips" I get delivered into my mailbox all day.    Take a look at my blog post to see how to travel less expensively, without sacrificing luxury or comfort.

Monday, November 30, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1700)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Travel Tips

The Airfare Deals are Coming!

Bargains Can Be Found If You Know Where To Look

bargain airfaresIf you haven't noticed, airfares to Europe are off the charts.  Despite falling costs, namely fuel, major airlines have continued to jack up fares, mostly by reducing capacity.   However, there are ways to get flights under $1,000 to Europe.  In fact, this summer I have flown to both Copenhagen and Oslo for $321 each way on American Airlines.   So, there are bargains to be found, if you know how to find them.  In today's blog post The Traveling Professor gives REAL tips on how to get the best airfares to Europe.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2702)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.7
Categories: General Travel
Tags: Airfares

How to Get Low Airfares to Europe

Major Carriers Like American, United, and British Air

low fares to europeIt's a fact:   The Traveling Professor gets lower airfares than you do.   For instance, I got a $1, that's right a $1 fare (plus taxes) on American Airlines to Copenhagen for July.   I booked it again for a buck in June.   If you know how to do it, you can find airfares that are super-cheap and itineraries that fit your travel style.  Read my blog post to see what great deals are out there and how you can book great airfares too.

Friday, March 20, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2315)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 3.7
Categories: General Travel
Tags: Airfares

The Cheapest Way To Get To Europe This Summer

Act Now to Grab a Great Bargain

norwegian airIn planning a tour to Europe, airfare is usually the biggest expense, right behind lodging costs.   People are always asking me the how to get the best airfares to Europe and I think I have a solution.   While it normally may cost $1,200 to $1,500 to get to Europe in the peak summer months, check out my blog post to cut about 25% off of that cost.
Monday, December 1, 2014/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2849)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: General Travel

Airline Deals

If You Know Where to Look, They Can Be Found

small group tours to parisProbably the largest expense behind the cost of lodging on a tour to Peru or a vacation to Europe is going to be airfare costs.   With fares to Europe this summer in the $1,500 range for economy class, people are scrambling to find the best airfares.   In this blog post I put down some of my best tips for finding bargain airfares to Italy, Paris, and Spain as well as Peru.  So now on your next tour to Europe or even Peru, spend money on dining, touring, or a great hotel instead of giving it to the airlines.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2457)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.7
Categories: General Travel
Tags: Airfares