Italy Train Travel

Best Tips for Traveling on Italian Trains

italian train tipsSince I last published a blog post on The Professor's Best Tips on Italian Trains, a few things have changed.  It is now easier to purchase Italian train tickets and I show you how.  Of course I explain the different types of trains and some booking tips.  Check out my blog post and save time and money with my best Italian train tips.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1995)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Italy

How To Plan a Budget Trip to Paris or France

Don't Be Cheap, Be Frugal

Our Traveling Professorbudget tours in paris and italy tours are not budget tours, and with the exception of one tour we run, they are not super-luxury tours either. On our Traveling Professor tours we like to stay at good 3 or 4 star hotels in a central location that are a good value.  But some people, when traveling on their own, like to plan a budget tour.  Here are some of my ideas for saving money without sacrificing comfort.

Monday, November 23, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1950)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.0
Categories: ParisItaly

Italy Train Travel Basics

Valuable Tips for Traveling by Train in Italy

small group tours to italyOn our Traveling Professor small group tours to Italy, we enjoy traveling by train.  It is fast, efficient, and economical.  It lets us mingle with the locals to give a better flavor of Italy.   In today's blog post The Traveling Professor covers the basics of Italian train travel in terms of types of trains and purchasing tickets.

Thursday, October 15, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1903)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.0
Categories: Italy

My "Go To" Travel Websites

I Find Myself Using Them All The Time - Maybe You Should Too

best travel websitesI travel more than most people racking up about 75,000 air miles per year.  I also help other people make travel arrangements.  I find myself constantly using the same websites and travel apps not only to save money and time.   As you will see, they are mostly airline websites, train booking websites/apps, and general travel sites.   Check out my blog post to see what The Traveling Professor uses to plan his travel life.


Thursday, September 24, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2004)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: General Travel

Tips on Buying High-Speed Train Tickets in Italy

Save Money and Time

Trenitalia Traveling ProfessorThe Traveling Professor tours to Italy are a little bit different than those standard big-bus tours you see going there.  First of all, we only travel with about 12 people.   But we don't like to insulate our travelers by putting them in those big busses either.   We like to take public transportation like the high-speed luxury trains that go from city to city.   Whether traveling with The Professor on a small group tour to Italy or going on your own, you'll appreciate these tips on buying train tickets in Italy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1837)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Italy

Tips for Taking the High Speed Trains in Italy

Money and Time Saving Advice for Train Travel in Italy

trenitalia traveling professorTrain travel in Italy is easy, relatively cheap, and fast.   On The Traveling Professor tours to Italy we often use train travel to go from one city to another.   It beats those big motorcoach tours and makes a tour to Italy more authentic.   In today's blog post I will give a couple of tips on how to make your train travel experience in Italy easier and less expensive.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2106)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.7
Categories: Italy

Tips for Buying High Speed Train Tickets in Italy

Save Money, Save Time and Get Where You Want to Go in Italy

the traveling professor train travel in italyTrain travel in Italy can be great.  Fast and comfortable trains get you where you want to go quickly.  On The Traveling Professor's tours to Italy we often take trains from one city to another.   However, train tickets can be very expensive and there can be issues when purchasing Italian train tickets that the first-timer might not know about.   On your next tour to Italy, follow my tips on purchasing train tickets.

Friday, July 4, 2014/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2580)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.3
Categories: Italy

A Day Trip to Venice from Florence

An Easy, Inexpensive Excursion

Tours to ItalyCan you do a day trip from Florence to Venice?  Sure you can.   It might be a better alternative than staying overnight, since Venice hotels can be pricey.  Venice is one of the most unusual places in the world.  I always enjoy traveling to Venice and we go there on my small group tours to Italy too.  I have done it as a day trip many times and you can go there too.   In this blog post I will show you the best way to get to Venice and what to do on a day trip to Venice.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2371)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: Italy