What You Need to Know About Buying Travel Insurance

Do You Need It? What Do You Get? Where Do You Get It?

Author: The Traveling Professor/Wednesday, November 13, 2019/Categories: Travel Tips

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Stuff happens. People get sick. Personal issues arise.  Flights get delayed.  How often does this happen?  On nearly every trip we run, there is a trip cancellation or significant delay.  How do travelers protect themselves from losing money?  They have travel insurance.  Here are some basic travel insurance facts:

There are generally two types of insurance:  

Trip delay/cancellation insurance is usually bundled together.  If you need to canceledor delay a trip due to a covered reason, you can be reimbursed.  So, if you get sick and cannot go on a trip, you can be reimbursed. If your flight is delayed by a covered reason, you can be reimbursed for additional lodging and other expenses.  Do you need trip delay/cancellation insurance?  Yes, if you think there is any possibility you might cancel your trip, buy it.  It might also be a good idea to buy it when flying in the winter months, where delays are more common.  By the way, when buying trip delay/cancellation insurance, emergency health and evacuation insurance is almost always included.

Emergency health and evacuation insurance.  Your domestic policy probably does not cover you while overseas for illness or emergency evacuation.  Medicare definitely does not cover you while overseas for illness or emergency evacuation.  So, if you get sick while overseas, an insurance policy can cover you.  If you need to be transported home for treatment, the cost can EASILY be $50,000 or more.  Emergency evacuation insurance provided coverage.  Do you need emergency health and evacuation insurance.  Absolutely, positively, yes.

Where Can You Get Travel Insurance

When considering a policy, make sure to read all the terms, conditions and coverages of all policies.  Keep ALL travel and payment records, on paper, they are necessary when filing a claim.

On-Line:  I have found www.insuremytrip.com a good place to search for and buy trip delay/cancellation insurance.  You can also go to sites like https://www.allianztravelinsurance.com/ or https://www.hthtravelinsurance.com/index.cfm.  For health and evacuation insurance only, nothing beats GEO Blue.  See: https://www.geobluetravelinsurance.com/

Credit Cards:  Some credit cards, like Chase Sapphire Reserve provides travel insurance at no additional cost if some or all of a trip is paid with that credit card. Citibank credit cards used to provide travel insurance, but no longer do.

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