Who Traveled With Us in 2019

How Many People? How Many Men, Women, Couples?

Author: The Traveling Professor/Friday, January 3, 2020/Categories: General Travel

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In a review of Traveling Professor tours for 2019, here is a statistical breakdown of who traveled with The Professor in 2019:

  • Number of Travelers:  159
    • Women: 103   Men: 56
  • Average Number of Travelers on a Tour:  14.45
  • Number of Women Traveling Alone or With Friend/Sister/Daughter: 49
  • Number of Couples on Traveling Professor Small Group Tours: 33


The largest tour we ran in 2019 was with 30 travelers on our luxury Croatia private cruise.  The fewest travelers we had this year was on an Italy trip with 11 travelers. Although we had an average of 14.45 travelers on our trips, the number is a bit skewed because we had 30 people each on our two luxury cruises to Croatia.  Other than those 2 trips, our largest group was 18 travelers. 

We don't collect or keep personal information on travelers, but an educated guess says that most of our travelers are in their 50's or older.  Probably the most common age range is in the 60's but we certainly have some active travelers in their 70's.  The Traveling Professor does not take people under 25 years on tours, but we did have a few people in their late 20's, 30's and 40's.

Most of our travelers (81%) come from the United States.  We welcomed 19% of our travelers from Canada this year. 

It is rare to have single male travelers on our tours but very common to have single female travelers.  We only had 5 single male travelers in 2019 and nearly all of them were on our Normandy Invasion Beaches tour.  However, there were 49 women traveling by themselves or with a sister/friend/daughter in 2019.

Join The Traveling Professor on a small group tour in 2020.  Here is our tour schedule

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