The Professor at The NY Times Travel Show

Free Ticket Offer

Traveling Professor New York Times Travel ShowFor the fourth year in a row, The Traveling Professor will be speaking and exhibiting at The New York Times Travel Show at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City.  Friday, January 27 is reserved for travel professionals but on Saturday and Sunday, January 28 and 29 is the consumer show.  Check out the blog post for The Professor's speaking scheduling and location of his booth, as well as how to get a free ticket to The New York Times Travel Show.

Saturday, January 21, 2017/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (599)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: General Travel
«January 2017»

New Traveling Professor Destination: Croatia

Small Group Tour to Croatia 2017When we did our traveler survey back in August, one of the top requests for a new Traveling Professor small group tour was to Croatia in 2017.  We've been working on Croatia for several months now and we think we've put together the best small group tour to Croatia that can be found.   Check out the blog post to find out more about our exciting Traveling Professor small group tour to Croatia.

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How I Made Over $1,000 on My Travel Credit Card

chase sapphire card testimonialUsually I stay away from credit card offers.  There always seems to be some sort of catch and the bank winds up on the winning side of the deal and not me.   But I got a Chase Sapphire Card Reserve Card and used its benefits to turn it into AT LEAST a $1,000 net profit for me.   To see how you can do it, read my blog post.

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My Favorite Cities Few People Visit

small group tours to venice If you ask me, cities like Rome, Venice, and Paris are barely worth visiting during peak times.  Our Traveling Professor small group tours avoid these cities in the summer and certain holiday periods.   However, there are gems located all over Europe that can be visited any time of the year.  Each has it's own charms for different reasons.   On your next tour to Europe, try visiting one of these cities, even for only a day.  I guarantee you will enjoy them.

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3 Bargain Hotels Near the Eiffel Tower

bargain hotels near eiffel towerOn our small group tours to Paris, we like to stay in the trendy and fashionable 5th arrondissement.  However, another favorite spot of Paris travelers is near the Eiffel Tower.  It is no secret that tourism is down in Paris due to recent unfortunate incidents.  Therefore, hotel deals abound.  Here are The Traveling Professor's picks for bargain hotels near the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

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New Tour for 2017: Budapest, Vienna, and Prague

small group tour to pragueThe Traveling Professor is adding a new small group tour for 2017:  Budapest, Vienna, and Prague.  There is no doubt, these are the most beautiful cities in Europe.  And yes, I will go out on a limb and say they are more beautiful than my beloved Paris.  The cities of Budapest, Vienna, and Prague offer an unusually good value compared to other parts of Europe.  We have picked special hotels, have developed a wonderful small group tour itinerary, and have some great itineraries lined up.  Read more in the blog post.

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3 Dining Spots in Reyjkjavik

best restaurants in reykjavikThe Traveling Professor is taking two small group tours to Iceland and the Northern Lights in February.  We've been there several times before and we have a few great restaurants on our radar.  Dining can be on the expensive side in Reykjavik and in Iceland in general, but in today's blog post we highlight 3 Reykjavik restaurants that are priced well and provide a satisfying dining experience.

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Travel Product of the Month

Anker Power PortWe often feature electronics as the travel product of the month.  This time we have a small device that will help you charge your electronic devices quickly.   Why we like this as a travel product is that sometimes while on the go, it is necessary to get a quick charge for a phone or other device while waiting a short time for a flight connection for instance.  Check out this handy little item, The Traveling Professor's Travel Product of the Month.

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The Professor at The NY Times Travel Show

Traveling Professor New York Times Travel ShowFor the fourth year in a row, The Traveling Professor will be speaking and exhibiting at The New York Times Travel Show at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City.  Friday, January 27 is reserved for travel professionals but on Saturday and Sunday, January 28 and 29 is the consumer show.  Check out the blog post for The Professor's speaking scheduling and location of his booth, as well as how to get a free ticket to The New York Times Travel Show.

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Top 5 Things to Do in Rome

small group tours to romeEveryone needs to go to Rome at least once.  A small group tour to Rome is a staple on The Traveling Professor's Italy trips. Because of the crowds, Rome can be a difficult venue to maneuver.   Lines at major attractions can be overwhelming.  In today's blog post, The Professor will detail his favorite places to go in Rome and how to do those favorite places the right way.

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Top 5 Things to See in the Louvre

top 5 things to see in the louvreThe Louvre is an enormous place with works of art spanning centuries.  The Louvre is a staple on each Traveling Professor small group tour to Paris.  So, how do we find the 5 best things in the Louvre?  Today we have advice from one of the best guides in Paris, Laurent Guariglia.  He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Louvre and has the ability to tell the stories of the objects in it in an engaging and oftentimes, with good humor.   Read today's blog post to find out Laurent's top 5 picks of the Louvre.

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3 Discount Airlines Worth Flying On

discount flights to europeThe second most costly part of a tour, after lodging, is airfare.  Airfares were sky-high a few years ago and it is my opinion the legacy carriers like American, Delta and United were gouging the consumer, despite lower fuel costs, on their fares to Europe.  It was my prediction that other "discount" airlines would come along and take advantage of a lucrative market by offering lower-fares to a variety of destinations in Europe.  But be aware, not all discount airlines are the same.  In this article, The Traveling Professor names his favorite discount airlines to Europe.

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Favorite Places to Eat in Florence

best places to eat in florenceFor me, the best food is Tuscan food.  There is no better place to find it than in Florence, Italy.  I love going on our small group tours to Italy and especially Florence to sample the wide variety of (mostly) healthy and fresh food.  In today's blog post, The Traveling Professor lets you in on some of his secrets for his favorite places to eat in Florence.

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