Hot Dog! The Best of the Wursts, Brats, Weiners, and Pylsurs

Or At Least on The Traveling Professor's Small Group Tours

small group tours to norwayThe Traveling Professor takes his small group tours all over Europe and even to South America.  We come across a lots of different good food on our small group tours.  But  love 'em or hate 'em, our travelers talk about their favorite (or unfavorite) hot dogs. You can call them bratwurst,  weiners, wursts,sausages, brats, pylsurs or whatever you want.  Wherever we go, if it's meat, it's long, and you can put it on a bun, we're going to eat it and call it a hot dog.  In this blog post we tell you about our favorite hot dogs on our small group tours. 

Friday, February 23, 2018/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (724)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.3
Categories: General Travel