How to Get to Rome from the Airport

Transportation Options from Rome FCO Airport

how to get to rome from airportLet's address a very practical question in this Rome blog post:  how to get to the Rome city center and your hotel from the Rome airport.   We are going to assume that on your tour to Rome you will be arriving at Rome Fiumicino airport.   On The Traveling Professor small group tours to Italy, we provide private limo pickup.  However, if you are on a tour to Rome by yourself, we will talk about public transportation options and private ways to get into the city.

Monday, January 5, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1949)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Italy

Best Budget Hotels in Paris

Here are Three of My Choices

hotel chopin traveling professorHotels can make up the most expensive component of a tour to Paris.   When The Traveling Professor tours Paris either individually or when taking a small group tour to Paris, hotel selection is important but not only for cost.   Having a hotel in a central location is a top priority too.   In that I mean it is accessible to good transportation, it is in a place where there are dining, shopping, and entertainment options after I am done with a day of touring.   And of course, getting a good, sound sleep is important too.   On top of all of that, getting a good value is the icing on the cake.   Rely on The Traveling Professor's experience and get his picks for three of the best budget hotels in Paris in today's blog post.

Saturday, January 3, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1896)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Paris

Best Travel Websites

The Places The Professor Goes to for Travel Info

best travel websitesWhether I am planning a small group tour to Italy, planning a personal trip to Spain, or helping someone put together a tour of Europe, I always find myself coming back to the same websites.   The components of any tour to Europe is going to be airfares, hotels, transportation reservations, and tickets.    In this blog post, I have listed the best travel websites that I use in planning a tour to Europe for small groups or for anyone else.

Friday, January 2, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2847)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: General Travel

2nd Tier Paris Museums

The Best of the Rest in The City of Light

best museums in paris traveling professorThe Louvre, Orsay, the Pompidou.   These are not only some of the best museums in Paris, they are the among the best museums in the world.   However, Paris has some other attractions that would probably be superstars if they were not overshadowed by these heavy-hitters.   On your next tour to Paris, after visiting the big shots, visit some of the names that are overshadowed by the best museums in Paris.

Thursday, January 1, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2311)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.7
Categories: Paris
«December 2014»

Is Europe Getting Cheaper?

cheap europeWhen the euro was first introduced about 15 years ago, it cost about 95 cents to buy one.  It was a true bargain to go to Europe.  I remember staying in 5-star hotels in Paris for under $200 per night.   The same hotel is four times the price now.  I can remember purchasing a R/T flight to Paris for $351 on American Airlines.   In the last few years, the euro has gone as high as about $1.50.  Now that the dollar is strong and oil is under $60 a barrel, what can we expect in prices on your next tour to Paris or Italy?

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2nd Tier Paris Museums

best museums in paris traveling professorThe Louvre, Orsay, the Pompidou.   These are not only some of the best museums in Paris, they are the among the best museums in the world.   However, Paris has some other attractions that would probably be superstars if they were not overshadowed by these heavy-hitters.   On your next tour to Paris, after visiting the big shots, visit some of the names that are overshadowed by the best museums in Paris.

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Best Travel Websites

best travel websitesWhether I am planning a small group tour to Italy, planning a personal trip to Spain, or helping someone put together a tour of Europe, I always find myself coming back to the same websites.   The components of any tour to Europe is going to be airfares, hotels, transportation reservations, and tickets.    In this blog post, I have listed the best travel websites that I use in planning a tour to Europe for small groups or for anyone else.

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Best Budget Hotels in Paris

hotel chopin traveling professorHotels can make up the most expensive component of a tour to Paris.   When The Traveling Professor tours Paris either individually or when taking a small group tour to Paris, hotel selection is important but not only for cost.   Having a hotel in a central location is a top priority too.   In that I mean it is accessible to good transportation, it is in a place where there are dining, shopping, and entertainment options after I am done with a day of touring.   And of course, getting a good, sound sleep is important too.   On top of all of that, getting a good value is the icing on the cake.   Rely on The Traveling Professor's experience and get his picks for three of the best budget hotels in Paris in today's blog post.

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