Great Airfares are Here: How to Get Them

Where the Low Airfares Are

where to find bargain airfaresThe Traveling Professor has been hearing tourism is down, especially in Europe and South America.  People generally don't like traveling during an election year.  Terrorism fears have put a damper on travel to places like Paris and Italy.  My guides, hotels and other sources think tourism has declined about 30% this year.  The Zika virus has put many travelers plans on hold to spots like Peru and Machu Picchu.   Of course we all deplore any kind of terror and violence and we sympathize with those affected with the Zika virus, those willing to travel will find low prices and less crowds.  Today's blog post tells you of some fantastic airfares to Europe and how to find them.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1610)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.2
Categories: Save on Airfare