8 USEFUL Tips for Getting Good Airfares

Fly Right With The Professor's GOOD Tips

best airfaresI know, you've seen this teaser post before on other websites.  Then you read the post and there are several generally useless and lame "tips" that you've read 50 times before.  However, The Traveling Professor has 8 great USEFUL tips that will help you find good airfares, at the times YOU want to fly with the connections YOU want to make on the airlines YOU want to fly on.  I fly almost 100,000 air miles a year, domestically and internationally and I follow the practices outlined in my blog post all the time.  Fly like The Professor on good routes, in better seats, with less fees and hassles, and at lower fares than you are probably paying now.

Saturday, March 26, 2016/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (1806)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: Travel Tips