Is Europe Getting Cheaper?

Low Oil Prices and Stronger Dollar. What are the Consequences?

cheap europeWhen the euro was first introduced about 15 years ago, it cost about 95 cents to buy one.  It was a true bargain to go to Europe.  I remember staying in 5-star hotels in Paris for under $200 per night.   The same hotel is four times the price now.  I can remember purchasing a R/T flight to Paris for $351 on American Airlines.   In the last few years, the euro has gone as high as about $1.50.  Now that the dollar is strong and oil is under $60 a barrel, what can we expect in prices on your next tour to Paris or Italy?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2533)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.0
Categories: ParisItaly