Eight Restaurants in Bayeux, France

Picks for Wonderful Norman Food

small group tours to paris and normandy invasion beachesOne of my favorite tours is The Traveling Professor's Small Group Tour to Paris and the Normandy Invasion Beaches.   We have made several trips there as part of my regular tours and we were proud to run an exclusive tour for the National D-Day Memorial in 2017. We base ourselves close to the invasion beaches in a quaint Norman town called Bayeux.  The food is exquisite and in today's blog post I have posted my restaurant recommendations for Bayeux.

Monday, February 26, 2018/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (706)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.5
Categories: Paris

Normandy Invasion Beaches Tour

Words Cannot Describe the Emotions One Feels on This Tour to Normandy

normandy invasion beaches tourJune 6, 1944.  It was 71 years ago today that "Operation Overlord" took place - the largest invasion in history.   The Allies stormed the beach at Normandy, France.   The Traveling Professor has had the opportunity to visit the Normandy Invasion Beaches and the American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer several times.   We did it just two months ago upon a completion of a small group tour to Paris.  In today's blog post, I will tell you more on how to visit the Normandy Invasion Beaches.

Saturday, June 6, 2015/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2380)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.3
Categories: Paris

Normandy Invasion Beaches Tour

Do it the Right Way!

2014 is the 70th anniversary of the invasion of France at Normandy and it will surely be a top travel destination.  On several of my small group tours to Paris, I offer an extension to visit the Normany Invasion Beaches.   Personally, I have made the trip about 10 times and I recommend it highly.  In this blog post I have detailed an itinerary that will help in planning a trip to the Normandy Invasion Beaches.

Sunday, June 8, 2014/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2701)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.7
Categories: Paris