Tours as Fund Raisers

A Great Way to Raise Money for Your Organization

fundraising toursI have been running Traveling Professor tours since the publication of The Traveling Professor's Guide to Paris in 2009.   Most of those tours are for individuals or pairs of travelers who want to join a small group tour to Italy or Paris.  However, private groups have approached me recently about running a tour for their organization as a fundraiser.   For instance, there is a church group who does missionary work in South America who I am scheduled to run a tour for.  Another civic organization from the Midwest has me taking a  private group.   I am also putting together a proposal from a cultural organization for a tour to Paris where we will feature classical music performances in addition to other sights.   Read more about using a tour to Paris, Italy or South America as a fund raiser.

Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: The Traveling Professor/Number of views (2495)/Comments ()/ Article rating: 4.3
Categories: General Travel