5 Tips for Using a Credit Card Overseas

Save Money and Time

Author: The Traveling Professor/Tuesday, August 15, 2017/Categories: Travel Tips

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On our Traveling Professor small group tours, we instruct our travelers to bring credit cards with them and give them these basic rules:

Contact Your Bank and Alert Them Regarding Travel Plans:  Banks are very careful about credit card fraud these days.  Before traveling, notify credit card companies regarding travel destinations and travel dates.  Failure to do so may result in your credit card transaction being declined and getting in touch with a credit card company while overseas can be complicated.

Use a No Foreign Transaction Fee Card:  This saves 3% on each transaction.

Bring at Least 2 Cards:  Carry one with you during the day, leave another at the hotel.  In case one gets lost or stolen, there is always the backup card.

Local Currency or Dollars?: Nowadays when making a charge, you might be asked to charge in local currency (for example, if in France or Italy, that would be euros) or in U.S. dollars.  Take the local currency option.  That will save about 3%.

Make Copies of Cards and Email Them to Yourself:  In case cards are lost or stolen, your email will have all the credit card info needed to replace them.

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