How to Beat Jet Lag

Be Ready to Hit the Ground Running

Author: The Traveling Professor/Friday, March 31, 2017/Categories: Travel Tips

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The Traveling Professor has culled these tips from over a hundred overnight flights to/from Europe as well as advice from flight crews and other travelers on his small group tours to Europe.  Here are the best tips for overcoming jet lag:

  • Since most overseas flights leave in the evening, stay in bed as long as you can before departing for the airport.
  • Spend the money on preferred seating if possible.  It's not necessary to fly first or business class, but premium economy is much better than those squished in coach seats.
  • Minimize alcohol intake on the plane.  However, drink lots and lots of water.
  • Only take a short nap on the plane.  Don't try to sleep the whole flight.
  • Upon arrival at the hotel, get some rest.  Upon awakening get right on local time.  By that I mean if you normally eat dinner at 630 pm at home, eat dinner at 630 pm at the local destination.

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