Author: The Traveling Professor/Wednesday, April 27, 2016/Categories: Save on Airfare
The Flight Deal: Everyday at 3 pm I get The Flight Deal Newsletter delivered to my mailbox with about a dozen or so offers. Here are some deals that have come across my screen the last few days: United Boston/Houston $136 R/T, TAP New York to various European Cities for $142 (one way), Quantas San Fran/Auckland $308 R/T, American Airlines PHL/MIA $106 R/T, Virgin New York/Maui $479 R/T. Sign up for the daily newsletter right on the website.
ITASoftware: Travelers should only use ITASoftware if they are interested in saving money and getting the best air itinerary possible. It beats the heck out of Expedia, Orbitz and all the rest. Get my free 7-page guide on how to use ITASoftware.
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