Top Ten Excuses for Not Traveling

Let's hear your contributions too!

Author: The Traveling Professor/Monday, January 6, 2014/Categories: General Travel

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Here is my list of common excuses not to travel followed by commentary.   Please post your comments too.

"I need someone to take care of the dogs and cats."  Really?  I love animals too, but I'm sure we can easily find someone to feed them for a week.

"I don't have the money now, I will go later when I have the money."  The average cost of a trip to Paris has doubled in the last 5 years, so if they didn't have the money then, they certainly don't have it now.   In other words, it is always going to be cheaper to travel now than it is in the future.

"I have to work or I don't have the time."  I can't tell you the amount of people who physically cannot travel anymore because their bodies will no longer let them.   It really is a shame to tell someone who has been dreaming of going to Peru for years  something like "A Peru trip is probably too demanding for you".   I have advised people who want to tour Paris that there is probably too much walking or stairs to visit Paris in their condition.   

"I'm afraid of the language/customs."  Well, that's why we DO travel, to experience and enlighten ourselves on other cultures.

"It's a third-world country."   Well, I have news for you, some of their transportation systems, facilities, and accommodations are better than ours.  Just check out the railroads in Europe for one.

"My significant other doesn't want to go."   Don't worry, they will survive one week away from you.

"I don't have anyone to travel with".  Well, that the whole concept of The Traveling Professor.   Now you have built-in travel companions.

I will leave it up to you to complete the Top Ten list.

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