Tips on Flying Clean and Healthy

Don't Get Sick on Your Next Trip

Author: The Traveling Professor/Friday, February 14, 2020/Categories: Travel Tips

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Here are The Traveling Professor's tips on keeping healthy on your next flight:

Never Reach into the Seat Pocket:  Possibly the dirtiest of dirty places on the plane.  It is rarely, if ever sanitized. 

Use Good Quality Sanitary:  This is my top tip.  Wipe down the tray table thoroughly as well as the arm rests. If the seat back in front of you has a touch video screen, do that too.  These two places are the dirtiest places on the plane.  I recommend using wipes like these

Get a Tray Table Cover and Pocket Organizer:  It covers the tray and give you pockets so you don't need to reach into the plane seat pocket.  Here is one we like

Be Well Rested:  Getting on a flight, especially an overnight flight is going to upset your routine and lower your resistance to germs.  Get a good amount of rest before boarding a flight. 

Be Careful of What You Eat and Drink:  During a flight is no time to be adventurous in eating or drinking. 

Use Hand Sanitizer at Every Opportunity:  Most diseases are transmitted by your own hands touching your face, eyes, and mouth.


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