3 Right Bank Restaurants in Paris

2 Of These Finds are in the Popular Marais Section of Paris

Author: The Traveling Professor/Saturday, April 27, 2019/Categories: Paris

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Here are three choices from The Traveling Professor for dining spots on the right bank.  Two of them are in the trendy Marais area.

Le Hangar. 12 Impasse Berthaud, 3rd arrondissement.  Métro: Rambuteau.
Nothing fancy about this bistro near the Pompidou Center. It's classic French food at reasonable prices at about €25 for dinner. Excellent gâteau au chocolat (chocolate cake) for dessert. No credit cards or website. Telephone: 01 42 74 55 44.

Chez Janou. 2 rue Roger Verlomme, 3rd arrondissement.  Métro:  Chemin Vert.

Everyone seems to be having a great time at this compact bistro, a few blocks from the Place des Vosges.  Provençal and straightforward French food (very good entrecôte).  Everyone likes their decent-priced wines with an emphasis on those from Provence. Known for its selection of pastis (anise-flavored aperitif) and delicious bowl of mousse au chocolat (chocolate mousse).  Priced in the 15-25 euro range per person.  Website:  www.chezjanou.com. 

Brasserie Bofinger. 5, rue de la Bastille, 4th arrondissement. Métro: Bastille.
Another grand turn-of-the-century Parisian favorite with a strong Alsatian bias.  The seafood platters (fruits de mer) are the superstars here.  Even though the crowd is mostly French, I found the staff to be quite friendly and accommodating.  It is moderately priced.  It’s near the Bastille opera house, so it’s difficult to get a table immediately before or after the opera.  Bofinger’s “Mini-Me” counterpart, Le Petit Bofinger, is across the street.  Reserve a day or two in advance. Website:  www.bofingerparis.com.


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