Author: The Traveling Professor/Wednesday, April 25, 2018/Categories: Paris, Italy
Here are some of the more common scams The Professor has seen in Paris and Italy:
Pickpockets: Travelers WILL be pick-pocketed if they don't secure their valuables. The simplest way to be protected from pickpockets is to not carry around things that can be lifted by thieves. Leave valuables back at the hotel. Carry a minimum of cash and only one or two credit cards. Be careful of cameras and phone - tuck them away safely. NEVER carry passports around town.
The Survey Scam: Sometimes people, often "students" will ask you to fill out a survey. It is the perfect way to pick your pocket while your hands are busy and pockets/purses are hidden by the survey clip board.
The Golden Ring Scam: This has been around for years. Someone will come up to you with a worthless fake golden ring or piece of jewelry saying they found it and want to give it to you. After you accept, they extort money from you.
Luggage: Once at the Milan train station, we stowed our bags below in the bus storage area and got on the bus as it waited for other passengers to go to the airport. While on the bus, we noticed someone walking away with our bags! Luckily, we apprehended the would-be thieves before they got away. Always keep a close eye on luggage.
Again, Paris and Italy are safe countries. No need to be obsessed about protecting valuables. Just be careful.
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