Are Europeans Rude to American Travelers?

Are Tourists No Longer Welcome in Europe?

Author: The Traveling Professor/Tuesday, August 22, 2017/Categories: Paris, Italy, Norway/Iceland/Denmark, Spain, Ireland & Scotland, Germany & Austria, Croatia

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On the Scott Thompson radio program yesterday, I addressed the host's concerns about tourists no longer being welcome in Europe or being treated rudely in Europe.  Here are some of the highlights of what we talked about.

There are Two Sides to Every Story:  Yes, there are instances where tourists are treated rudely. But to be honest, I find out these tourists are treated rudely mostly because of the visitor's bad behavior.  In Venice for instance, we see people enter churches inappropriately dressed.  They might have their cell phones on or talk loudly in museums.  In Iceland we see travelers go into restricted areas just to get that good "selfie".  Let's face it, if you invited someone into your home, you expect them to follow your basic rules of decorum. 

When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do:  Take the time to learn some basic greetings for instance.  Italians may consider it extremely rude if not greeted with a "Buongiorno Signore" and Parisians may ignore you if you do not extend a "Bonjour Madame" when initiating a conversation.

Show Some Respect:  No need to be formal, but don't dress like a slob when visiting religious sites or national monuments.  Keep your voice down.

Visit Less Crowded Cities:  I find the more crowded the cities are, the less polite people are to each other.  Travel in the off-season. Instead of Venice, try Padua or Bassano del Grappa. Forget Paris next summer and try Norway and Copenhagen.  You'll have a more relaxing travel experience. 

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