Beware of the Pick Pockets!

It's a Problem in Paris, Spain, Italy and Peru

Author: The Traveling Professor/Friday, September 27, 2013/Categories: General Travel

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Here are my rules to avoid having your pocket picked in Paris, Italy, Spain and Peru.

  • Don't say to yourself "I won't get my pocket picked".  If you don't take precautions, I can guarantee that you will be a victim.
  • Pick pockets are more common in airports, bus stations, on public transportation, near tourist attractions.  Be vigilant.  You will be amazed how bold these pick pockets can be.
  • Be especially wary when traveling to/from airport.  Pick pockets know you might be a weary travelers with your guard down.  When traveling to/from airport, I always lock up my valuables in my suitcase.
  • When walking around town, don't give the pick pocket the opportunity to steal from you.  Don't carry a lot of cash, carry only one credit card, and only the bare necessity in valuables to get around for the day.
  • Unless you need it for a specific purpose, NEVER carry around an original passport.   Carry a photocopy and leave the original locked in the hotel.
  • Ladies, keep those bags closed and locked up.
  • A money belt or some other device for keeping valuable under your clothes is helpful.  I use a small carrying case that I can secure under my belt.
  • Never flash money or display valuables in public.

I want you to enjoy your vacation.  Getting ripped off in Europe or Peru can be a hassle.  Protect yourself.

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