What I'm Packing for My Tour to London and Paris

No checked Bags for Me! What's on Your Packing List?

Author: The Traveling Professor/Friday, August 16, 2013/Categories: General Travel

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In my backpack I will carry:

  • Electronics:  Cell phone, chargers, converters, headphones, laptop computer, camera.
  • Extra set of eyeglasses.
  • Meds:  I always carry more than I will need in case my trip is delayed.
  • Book and reading materials.
  • Two photocopies of my passport plus the original.
  • Instruction on how to get to/from hotel.
  • Binoculars
  • About 50 euros
  • Travel documents

In my carry on:

  • Underwear
  • Toiletries
  • 3 plastic shopping bags from supermarket
  • Umbrella from the "dollar store"
  • One pair of jeans
  • Two t-shirts
  • 4 pairs of socks
  • Two oxford shirts
  • Two pullover, wrinkle-free shirts
  • One guide book for London, one for Paris
  • Light jacket

I like to wear fresh clothes, so instead of carrying dirty laundry around, I will either have the hotel send out my laundry or find a laundromat on my own.   It's a travel luxury that I really enjoy.

That's my packing list!  Light and with room to bring back souvenirs.

Please post your comments and let me know what you will be packing on your next tour to Europe.

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