Eleven More Affordable Paris Hotels

Everyone Loves a Good Paris Hotel from The Professor's Private List

Author: The Traveling Professor/Monday, May 11, 2015/Categories: Paris

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After going through my notes, I came up with a list of affordable Paris hotels.   They are from a variety of arrondissements in Paris, so pick where you wish to stay and get started.

  • Hôtel Langlois, 63, rue Saint-Lazare; Ninth Arrondissement www.hotel-langlois.com
  • Hôtel Amour, 8, rue Navarin; Ninth Arrondissement www.hotelamour.com
  • Hôtel Verneuil, 8, rue de Verneuil; Seventh Arrondissement www.hotelverneuil.com
  • Hôtel Muguet, 11, rue Chevert; Seventh Arrondissement www.hotelmuguet.com
  • Hôtel Lindbergh, 5, rue Chomel, Seventh Arrondissement www.hotellindbergh.com
  • Hôtel de Varenne, 44, rue de Bourgogne; Seventh Arrondissement www.varenne-hotel-paris.com
  • Hôtel Eldorado, 18, rue des Dames; 17th Arrondissement www.eldoradohotel.fr
  • Hôtel de Nice, 42 bis, rue de Rivoli; Fourth Arrondissement www.hoteldenice.com
  • Hôtel Windsor Home, 3, rue Vital; 16th Arrondissement www.windsorhomeparis.fr
  • Hôtel des Grandes Ecoles, 75, rue Cardinal Lemoine; the Fifth Arrondissement www.hotel-grandes-ecoles.com
  • New Orient Hotel, 16, rue de Constantinople; Eighth Arrondissement www.hotel-paris-orient.com

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